Blog and Webinars

Toronto Psychology Blog
Past Webinars

Past Webinars

Mindfulness November 2022 With Kevin Chiao and Beheshta Taheri Health Anxiety September 2022 With Dr. Christine Klinkhoff and Olivia Provost-Walker

Grief: Navigating the Waves of Loss with DBT Skills

Grief: Navigating the Waves of Loss with DBT Skills

By: Jyotsna Makhijani, M.Sc., RP(Q) Grief is often described as a storm that sweeps through our lives, leaving us feeling battered and adrift. But for many, the experience of grief is less like a single tempest and more like the unrelenting ebb and flow of ocean...

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

By: Alyson Dudley, MSW, RSW The end of 2024 is fast approaching, and it may cause our thoughts to drift to how we can improve our lives, including making New Year’s Resolutions. It can be helpful to consider making these commitments not only at the start of the year,...

When DBT Skills Don’t Work

When DBT Skills Don’t Work

By: Agustina Jorquera, M.Ed, RP Have you ever been to a DBT skills group and heard someone say, ‘I was so dysregulated, and none of the skills worked, nothing worked’. Right about now is the time when group facilitators ‘jump into the rescue’ seeking alternatives and...

Think FAST During the Holidays

Think FAST During the Holidays

By: Max Smith, BA With the holiday season right around the corner, the days are getting shorter, the evenings are approaching more quickly... and you might be thinking about the chaos that some family members can bring to holiday events! Have you ever experienced a...

Breaking the Hold of Auto Pilot Mode

Breaking the Hold of Auto Pilot Mode

By: Sara Carpentier, MSW, RSW Can you recall something significant about your drive to work or school this morning? Did you intentionally plan out or map your route, or did you automatically travel the same path you always do without paying attention? Can you recall...

Feeling Anxious? Controlling Breath Could Reduce Stress Response

Feeling Anxious? Controlling Breath Could Reduce Stress Response

By: Agustina Jorquera, M.Ed, RP Your mental health is greatly influenced by the speed and depth of your breathing. When our breathing accelerates, a multitude of physiological shifts begin to occur. If you've ever been startled, you might have noticed sudden gasping,...

Music as a Tool for Emotional Acceptance and Change

Music as a Tool for Emotional Acceptance and Change

By: Nicole Lancaster, MMT, RP(Q) Music as a Tool for Emotional Acceptance and Change About a year ago, I had made plans to go to a concert with a friend but I had just had a really rough day. I thought about cancelling, but decided to make myself go, though I’ll admit...

The Dialectics of Human Relationships

The Dialectics of Human Relationships

By: Dr. Gibran Rodriguez, Ph.D The Dialectics of Human Relationships Emotions have a fundamental social component; they not only reveal our wants and needs and help us organize our behaviour, but they also communicate important information to those around us. It only...

Harnessing the Power of Opposite Action and Problem Solving

Harnessing the Power of Opposite Action and Problem Solving

By: Zahra Ali, M.Phil, RP Harnessing the Power of Opposite Action and Problem Solving We now know from research that regulating emotions is key to well-being. In fact, all human behaviors, in one way or another, are attempts to regulate our internal systems as they...

When Imposter Syndrome Rears it’s Ugly Head

When Imposter Syndrome Rears it’s Ugly Head

By: Tania Pollard, MACP What do people really think of therapists? Do they wonder if therapists can read minds?  Or if they are truly being non-judgemental?  Perhaps they ask themselves if the process will even be helpful? Or, to the other extreme, that...

What is Burnout? How Do I Know if I’m there?

What is Burnout? How Do I Know if I’m there?

By: Sara Carpentier, MSW, RSW Today’s world is full of demands and expectations that are placed upon us. We are also responsible for placing additional requirements on ourselves. Whether its caring for others, managing a job, absorbing current events, maintaining...

Feeling Anxious? Controlling Breath Could Reduce Stress Response

Feeling Anxious? Controlling Breath Could Reduce Stress Response

By: Rebecca West, M.A. Your mental health is greatly influenced by the speed and depth of your breathing. When our breathing accelerates, a multitude of physiological shifts begin to occur. If you've ever been startled, you might have noticed sudden gasping, slight...

Not eating is probably not the answer

Not eating is probably not the answer

By: Michelle Lau, RDReviewed, with thanks, by Naiara Perin Darim, M.Psy The restrict > binge cycle. Have you ever been tempted to skip a meal to lose weight? Not eat when you’re out with your friends because the foods they’re choosing don’t fit in your diet? These...

April 13th: Functional Neurological Disorder Awareness Day

April 13th: Functional Neurological Disorder Awareness Day

By: Erica Rodrigues, MA Every year on April 13th, International FND Awareness Day serves to educate individuals about Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). This is a complex condition that is often misunderstood and warrants attention to support affected...

Sensing our Way into Wellness

Sensing our Way into Wellness

By Beheshta Taheri, M.A. “Whatever you frequently think and ponder upon, that will become the inclination of your mind” ~ Buddha According to a recent poll, Canadians reported being more exhausted and less happy than past years (The Angus Reid Institute, 2024). ...

The Importance of Taking a Break

The Importance of Taking a Break

By: Alyson Dudley, MSW, RSW As I write this blog, I’m thinking about March Break. Many of my clients, friends and family have discussed trips they are going on hoping to, as the name suggests, have a break. Even if a sunny vacation in the tropics is not in the budget,...

What is Starvation Syndrome?

What is Starvation Syndrome?

By: Alissa Vieth, MPH, RD The human body functions best when it is getting the nutrition that it needs. If the body does not get the nutrition it needs then it can have an impact on all aspects of someone’s life. The body is very wise and will change how it functions...

Does your Mental Health Deserve a Day?

Does your Mental Health Deserve a Day?

By: Sara Carpentier, MSW, RSW Although I would acknowledge that we have gained some traction towards reducing mental health stigma and talking about mental health, I still believe that we have a ways to go! Stigma is still very much alive, and most of us are hesitant...

The Importance of Validation

The Importance of Validation

By: Alyson Dudley, MSW As a therapist at Broadview Psychology, I work with parents providing individual parent therapy and I also co-lead a parenting group for parents of adolescents. One of the first topics I discuss with parents is the DBT skill of validation. I...

Stigma from a Parent’s Perspective

Stigma from a Parent’s Perspective

By Dr. Vaunam Venkadasalam, Ph.D Erving Goffman (1963) defined stigma as a “deeply discrediting” attribute. A discredited attribute could be easily detectable, such as skin colour or body size, or it could be hidden but discreditable if disclosed, such as a criminal...

The Innocence of Shame

The Innocence of Shame

By Zahra Ali, M.Phil One evening, when I entered home after a usual day of work, I saw Phoenix, my dog, sitting in the corner of the balcony, wagging her tail but not approaching me. I noticed that her gaze and body posture were lowered, her ears were tucked back, and...

Self-validation as a Superpower

Self-validation as a Superpower

By Olivia Provost-Walker M.A. All our lives are filled with various events and situations that will produce a range of emotional responses. When we experience emotions deeply, these natural emotions can be particularly intense and painful, and in turn, we can develop...

Understanding Self-Harm

Understanding Self-Harm

By: Naiara Perin Darim, M.Psy Self-harm is observed in people of all ages and backgrounds and may have diverse types. It serves many functions and frequently develops into a pattern of behaviour that prevents individuals from achieving their life goals. There are some...



By: Michelle Lau, RD Ozempic. Why is every influencer and their friend using Ozempic? Will it help to lose weight? What’s the catch?  Read on to find out. What is Ozempic? Ozempic is the brand name for a medication called semaglutide, which belongs to the family...

The Power of Repair

The Power of Repair

By Dr. Lindsey Torbit, Ph.D I Totally Lost it On My Kid!  Now what do I do?  The Power of Repair. Even the most patient and well-intentioned parent is going to lose their cool with their kiddo at some point. While increasing self-regulation is always the...

Anxiety 101: Understanding the Basics

Anxiety 101: Understanding the Basics

By: Gibran Rodriguez, M.A. Anxiety and fear are emotions that evolved to help us deal with danger and avoid harm. It's normal for humans and animals to feel anxious or afraid, although to different degrees. For example, baby monkeys have been seen to display anxious...

Mindfulness for Busy People

Mindfulness for Busy People

By: Bruce Yungblut, M.A.CP Many people come to therapy looking for some support and new tools to help lower the intensity of their emotions. Some people experience this as stress, worry, or anxiety. Others experience a low mood or feelings of depression. While there...

Building Balance in our Schedules

Building Balance in our Schedules

By: Alyson Dudley, MSW, RSW At a recent Broadview Psychology team lunch, the topic of scheduling around activities, school, hobbies, friends, family and employment came up. Many of our clinicians are also parents and the discussion focused on trying to find balance in...

An Invitation to be Kind to Emotional Eating

An Invitation to be Kind to Emotional Eating

By: Alissa Vieth, MPH, RD A few months ago, I went through a hard period for my family, and I turned to food to help me cope and provide comfort. In fact, I eat for non-physical hunger reasons from time to time. As a Dietitian who takes a non-diet approach and...

Living in Uncertain Times: Managing Disillusionment & Hopelessness

Living in Uncertain Times: Managing Disillusionment & Hopelessness

By: Adanna Anucha, MSW, RSW The summer season is just around the corner, and with it comes the things we typically enjoy about summer months – sunny weather, restaurants opening their patios, festivals proliferating the streets, afternoons spent on the beach etc....

The Most Useful AND Hardest Skill: Radical Acceptance

The Most Useful AND Hardest Skill: Radical Acceptance

By: Agustina Jorquera, M.Ed, RP A friend of mine and I were walking around the city one weekend, talking about our jobs – the things we find enjoyable, the challenges and the new perspectives. She asked me: Is there a common struggle across age groups of people going...

Divorce Survival Skills that Put Children First  

Divorce Survival Skills that Put Children First  

By: Dr Sharon Chan, PhD. Navigating a separation or divorce is so difficult for the entire family. It is a process often fraught with intense emotions that may include sadness, pain, anger, resentment, disappointment, frustration, and grief. Clouded judgments,...

Emotions: Friend or Foe?

Emotions: Friend or Foe?

By: Rayna Edels, M.A. Emotions, particularly those that are unexpected, can feel like unwanted visitors. Without exploring the function of emotions, we might be left frustrated when certain emotions arise. For example, imagine you perceive that the feeling of anxiety...

Why am I feeling this way?

Why am I feeling this way?

By: Naiara Perin-Darim, M.Psy Feeling and emotion are two terms often used interchangeably – but the first step to understanding the way we feel is to separate them. Feelings are made of body sensations, emotions and thoughts combined, they affect each other very...

Coping Effectively with Climate Grief

Coping Effectively with Climate Grief

By: Kat Matchett, M.A. Climate grief is the emotion experienced when we recognize the vast and devastating effects of climate change. In an age of rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental destruction, it can be hard for young people to cope with...

Practising Mindfulness of Others on Valentine’s Day

Practising Mindfulness of Others on Valentine’s Day

By Kat Matchett, M.A. Valentine's Day is a special time to express love and appreciation for those in our lives, and often a time to receive love and appreciation in return. But for some, the holiday can be a daunting reminder of loneliness or heartache. Fortunately,...

Understanding Cannabis Use Disorder

Understanding Cannabis Use Disorder

Kevin Hamdullahpur, M.Sc., M.A. In the last year, one in seven Canadians reports legally purchasing cannabis. While the majority of these individuals won’t experience problems from using cannabis, it’s estimated that 10% to 30% will. Sitting with these numbers, it’s...

Some very real thoughts on MAID…

Some very real thoughts on MAID…

One of our clients has taken the time to share their thoughts and reaction to the MAID eligibility changes that are being implemented in March 2023. I have struggled with suicidal thoughts, urges and actions since I was 17 years old. I am now almost 40 years old and...

Brrr-eaking Away from the Winter Blues

Brrr-eaking Away from the Winter Blues

By: Gibran Rodriguez, M.A. We're almost halfway through winter, and with the frosty, cooler air and the glistening snow, some people may be surprised when the infamous "winter blues" are suddenly knocking on their door. Indeed, many of you may agree that this season...

New Year, Better Me!

New Year, Better Me!

By: Danicia Clarke “What goals have you set for the new year?” is a question that I am sure you have been asked within the past couple of weeks. As cliché, as it may be, identifying areas of personal improvement is important for us as individuals. Empirical studies...

Why MAID is not the Solution

Why MAID is not the Solution

By: Dr. Christine Sloss, Ph.d, C.Psych We, at Broadview Psychology, have long worked with individuals with mental health issues and who have struggled for a period of time with suicidal thoughts, urges and behaviour.  We make it our mission, through DBT, to help...

Distress Tolerance Skill: Distraction with ACCEPTS

Distress Tolerance Skill: Distraction with ACCEPTS

By: Alyson Dudley, MSW The DBT ACCEPTS skill can be used during crisis situations or stressful circumstances when we attempt to not make a situation worse and want to temporarily distract ourselves until our strong emotions subside. As with many DBT skills, ACCEPTS is...

Mindfulness Webinar

Mindfulness Webinar

Broadview Psychology is hosting our next free webinar on Friday, November 25th at 12:00pm on Mindfulness Practice. Register by filling out the form below!

Mindful Journaling

Mindful Journaling

By Danicia Clarke, B.A Practising mindfulness takes many shapes and goes by many names, but what is most fascinating of all, is the idea that we have the innate ability to access this human quality. Simply being aware of our inner and outer experiences is important to...

Using Validation at Home With Your Child

Using Validation at Home With Your Child

By Shawna Allen, MA Validation is the act of letting someone else know that their experience is real. Validation is an important part of letting kids know that you understand them, their emotions, and their thoughts. Being understood helps a child feel connected and...

Seasons of Acceptance and Change

Seasons of Acceptance and Change

By Olivia Provost-Walker, MA Seasonal changes can serve as an invitation for us to slow down and reflect, especially as we enter autumn and winter with their colder temperatures. Nature enters into its cycle of rest, leaves change and fall, animals prepare to...

Why DBT Works for ADHD: Focus on Emotion Regulation

Why DBT Works for ADHD: Focus on Emotion Regulation

By: Kat Matchett, M.A. If you have ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), you likely struggle more than other people with many types of self-regulation skills, including regulating your emotions. Both children and adults with ADHD tend to have faster,...

Grief and Bereavement

Grief and Bereavement

By: Naiara Perin Darim, M.Psy Dealing with loss usually looks and feels different from our expectations and presentations in talk shows, on social media and in books. The prospected following of the five famous stages of grief linearly and continuously may cause...

Using PLEASE to Cope with September Stress

Using PLEASE to Cope with September Stress

By: Bronwyn Ueberholz, BA The month of September, for a lot of us, is usually associated with back to school and back to a busy routine!  This transition can be quite stressful, especially following the relaxed August bliss. It’s important, during this time, not...

Balanced Perspectives: World Mental Health Day

Balanced Perspectives: World Mental Health Day

By: Leann Lapp, Ph.D, C.Psych. In the month leading up to World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2022, more and more messages about mental health will arise in popular media. Awareness campaigns such as World Mental Health Day or Bell Let’s Talk are helpful in that...

Being Dialectical: Shifting from Either/Or to AND

Being Dialectical: Shifting from Either/Or to AND

By Kevin Chiao In philosophy, dialectic is a method of discovering truth by discussing, recognizing, and considering ideas that are opposed to each other. Dialectics recognize that there can be multiple truths that can co-exist within a single situation. Identifying...

Health Anxiety Webinar

Health Anxiety Webinar

Broadview Psychology is hosting a free Health Anxiety Webinar! Register by filling out this form.

Getting through the summer slump with behavioural activation

Getting through the summer slump with behavioural activation

By Amy Tran, M.A. We are in the full swing of summer, which means school is OUT. The freedom and ability to sleep in can be an exciting change for many children and adolescents at first, but after a while, some youth may find themselves getting into a slump. Why?...

Emotion Regulation

Emotion Regulation

By Alanna Singer, M.A. Human beings experience a range of emotions- they are with us from day to day, and from moment to moment. When our emotions become too intense, they can get it in the way of doing the things we need to in our daily life, or they can impact our...

How Parents Can Support Transition from End of School to Summer

How Parents Can Support Transition from End of School to Summer

By: Alyson Dudley, RSW The end of school can be complicated for many families as students are wrapping up year end assignments, preparing for exams and making plans for the summer. This can at times lead to conflict between family members due to stress and differing...

Loosening the Grip of Procrastination

Loosening the Grip of Procrastination

Tamara Meixner, Ph.D., C.Psych Productive moments feel good. Momentum towards a goal begets motivation for continued action and infuses us with a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and even mastery. And yet, procrastination – delaying or postponing an intended...

PLEASE remember this on your summer holidays

PLEASE remember this on your summer holidays

By: Agustina Jorquera, M.Ed., Registered Psychotherapist It’s summer time - almost. Many of us may be taking time off work, off school and off of regular routine that has been established for almost 10 months! We may find it appropriate to be more flexible with our...

A Dialectical Celebration of Maternal Figures

A Dialectical Celebration of Maternal Figures

By Olivia Provost-Walker For many, the month of May is synonymous with early summer blooms, long weekends, and notably, Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day like many holidays can bring up challenging memories, emotions, and reactions, especially as media inundates us with ads...

Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress

By: Zonaira Chaudhry, MSW RSW What is Stress Stress as a notion does not currently have a universally defined criterion. It exists and manifests in many forms depending on the individual. Hence, the biopsychosocial model best describes the concept as it uniquely...

B.F. Skinner: The Essential Parent Companion

B.F. Skinner: The Essential Parent Companion

Dr. Sharon Chan, C.Psych, Ph.D. For families that struggle with changing difficult behaviours, reviewing principles of B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning can be helpful. While concepts in operant conditioning are simple to understand from a theoretical point, they...

A Dialectical Perspective on Grief

A Dialectical Perspective on Grief

By Kevin Chiao, MEd Every year in beginning of April, many countries and communities in east Asia observe Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as Ching Ming Festival (清明節). Individuals and families commemorate the day by visiting resting places of ancestors and deceased...

In Memoriam: Mamie Phipps Clark

In Memoriam: Mamie Phipps Clark

By: Gibran Rodriguez, MA Every February, Canadians and Americans alike celebrate Black History Month to honour the legacy, triumphs and struggles of Black communities in North America. In the spirit of commemorating the contributions of Black scientists and scholars...

How To Build Your Support System

How To Build Your Support System

By Andrea De Bartolo February is often a time focused on connections and relationships. With January behind us, now is a great time to build up a strong support system that will last for the rest of 2022 and beyond. It can be daunting to start this task. Knowing what...

Pandemic Grief & Meaning

Pandemic Grief & Meaning

By Beheshta Taheri As of next month, we’ll be entering the second year of a global pandemic, which has literally changed the face of the world as we once knew it. Several weeks into the first year of Covid-19 restrictions, I wrote a blog about pandemic fatigue and how...

Bell Let’s Talk Day

Bell Let’s Talk Day

January 26th 2022 is Bell Let’s Talk day! On this day, the phone company Bell pledges to donate 5 cents for every text, tweet, and social media repost on platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram, and Facebook to mental health initiatives across Canada. To participate in...

New Year, Same Strategies

New Year, Same Strategies

Alyson Dudley, MSW, RSW With the start of a new year, like many people, I’ve started to think about what a new year will look like. We’ve been coping with living in a pandemic world for several years and with the addition of the Omicron variant, there is an overall...

OCD Group

OCD Group

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering a virtual OCD skills group starting Monday, January 17th, 2022. If you are interested in registering please email or phone 647-348-5140.

Finding Mindfulness My Way

Finding Mindfulness My Way

By Olivia Provost-Walker (M.A.) When I first heard of the idea of mindfulness, an image of myself sitting on the ground, with my eyes closed, experiencing stillness and silence arose in my mind. This image, peaceful as it looked, was very unfamiliar and though I was...

Finding Little Pleasures in the Here and Now

Finding Little Pleasures in the Here and Now

By Alanna Singer, M.A. It’s that time of year again.. it’s starting to cool down, the days are getting shorter, and in the midst of our ever-mercurial weather, I have found myself feeling tired and sluggish, wishing time away until the winter break… “I only need to...

This Midterm Season, PLEASE Look After Yourself

This Midterm Season, PLEASE Look After Yourself

By Gibran Rodriguez (M.A.) With the brisk weather of October, the changing colour of leaves, and the smell of pumpkin spice inside your local coffee shop, comes the reminder for many students that midterms are around the corner. This period can be pretty stressful,...

Gratitude in the Absence of Comparison

Gratitude in the Absence of Comparison

By Marni Oldershaw, M.A Thanksgiving is a time of year in which we are inundated with messaging to reflect on the things we are grateful for in our efforts to “give thanks”. Often it is challenging to identify things we are grateful for - and sometimes it seems almost...

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

By Rhiannon Ueberholz (B.A) September 30th, 2021, marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR), a day to reflect on Canada’s colonial past and the legacy of residential schools. Established as a statutory holiday in July of this year, this day...

Tips to Help Cope With Returning Back to In-Person Class

Tips to Help Cope With Returning Back to In-Person Class

By: Andre De Bartolo As we come to the end of the first full week of school across Ontario, we see the challenge students and teachers face with coming back to in-person classes. In addition to concerns surrounding the pandemic, students are fearful of their mental...

Building a Food Neutral Mentality

Building a Food Neutral Mentality

By Alissa Vieth, RD As humans we must eat and consume a variety of foods to help us live and thrive. Yet in our food culture you may have been conditioned to label the foods you eat as: good or bad, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, low or high calorie, clean or...

Continuing the Discussion about Mental Health

Continuing the Discussion about Mental Health

By Alyson Dudley, MSW, RSW  The Tokyo Olympics prompted many worldwide discussions, most notably about Covid-19 and whether the Olympics should be happening at all due to health and safety concerns. Unexpectedly, another topic came up during the Olympics: mental...

Defusing Harmful Thoughts

Defusing Harmful Thoughts

By Sharon Chan, MA We often focus on noticing and changing unhelpful/dysfunctional thought patterns in therapy, sometimes known as cognitive restructuring. In Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) we may use strategies such as putting on one’s detective hat to check the...

Digging into DBT

Digging into DBT

By Therese Kenny, MA For the first time ever, I am growing a garden (with help from my partner who knows much more about gardening and does not forget to water plants). In the process, I have noticed myself softening and opening up to different experiences. I have...

Sparking Joy: Marie Kondo on Accessing Wise Mind

Sparking Joy: Marie Kondo on Accessing Wise Mind

By Marlyse Bergstra, MSW RSW “Does this spark joy?” This simple question is Marie Kondo’s widely-recognized contribution to the world of tidying, self-improvement, and to some extent, minimalism. You might be wondering how someone could build a multi-million dollar...

Overcoming that “Languishing” Feeling

Overcoming that “Languishing” Feeling

By Brittany Almeida, B.A. We are halfway through 2021, over a year into the pandemic and countless restrictions. Have you been feeling like there is nothing to look forward to? Do you have little motivation to do the things that get you through the day? Feeling...

The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

By Jenny Gomez, MA As the world begins to open up, I have reflected on some of the highest and lowest moments of the past year and a half. There have been moments when sadness and fear were so strong it felt as though things might never be ok again, and then, there...

3 Mindfulness Practices for The Summer

3 Mindfulness Practices for The Summer

By: Andrea De Bartolo, HBSc The school year is almost ending and I think it is safe to say that students, teachers, and parents are more than happy to put these past 9 months behind us. With changes in administration policies and personal health safety, elementary and...

Attachment Styles: How to Form Secure Connections

Attachment Styles: How to Form Secure Connections

By Imogen Sloss We learn so much during our early years on this planet. We begin as helpless newborns and quickly develop cognitively, physically and socially. We develop the building blocks for our lives as we interact with the world around us through eating,...

Appreciation and Coping during Transition Periods

Appreciation and Coping during Transition Periods

By Rhiannon Ueberholz, B.A. Transitions are the awkward in-between periods that come with closing one life chapter and beginning another. These can be exciting times, for example, graduations, marriages, or moving into a new home all involve change and subsequent...

International No Diet Day

International No Diet Day

By Therese Kenny, MSc, PhD Student Every year on May 6th, organizations around the world work to dismantle diet culture. International No Diet Day is an initiative that aims to increase awareness about the misconceptions of dieting, push back against the diet industry...

TV Therapists: Fiction vs Reality

TV Therapists: Fiction vs Reality

By Marlyse Bergstra, MSW RSW  I’m guessing most people cringe when they see their job portrayed on TV. Nurses and servers especially come to mind as two professions that seem incredibly fun and simple until you actually set foot in a hospital or sit in a crowded...

“Getting Up and Doing Things” When You Don’t Feel Like It

“Getting Up and Doing Things” When You Don’t Feel Like It

By Dr. Aranda Wingsiong, PhD, C.Psych There is this misconception that we need to be motivated before we can engage in an activity. But actually, increasing our level of activity even when you do not feel like itis an evidence-based approach for treating...

Working, Learning, Sleeping From Home

Working, Learning, Sleeping From Home

By Amanda Ferguson, MA, Ph.D. Candidate Much has changed in the last year. Many of us have started spending more time at home – working from home, learning from home, and socializing (virtually) from home. You’ve likely always slept at home, but take a moment to...

The Art of ‘Mindfully’ Relating

The Art of ‘Mindfully’ Relating

By Agustina Jorquera, M.Ed., Registered Psychotherapist When I was first introduced to mindfulness, I held onto a lot of judgment. I had mistakenly held on to the idea that to be mindful, was to be QUIET in the mind, to have my mind go BLANK and to be able to achieve...

Parenting is Hard. Pandemic Parenting is Harder.

Parenting is Hard. Pandemic Parenting is Harder.

Parenting stress: What is it and six tips to manage its impact By Tamara Meixner, MA, Ph.D. Candidate One year has passed since the World Health Organization classified COVID-19 as a global pandemic. With this, families began distancing from everything familiar, and...

Reducing Explicit Racial Bias in Children

Reducing Explicit Racial Bias in Children

By: Sharon Chan, M.Sc. (PhD candidate)  Ask someone what colour shirt they are wearing and the answer comes with relative ease and with minimal discomfort. Yet ask for the description of a person and some will inevitably shy away from using colour to label skin...

Lessons Learned from Lunar New Year Traditions

Lessons Learned from Lunar New Year Traditions

By Lynn Nguyen In a matter of days, the streets of Ho Chi Minh City transitioned from its typical raucous, of honking motorbikes and vendors hawking their wares, to eerie silence of blowing wind and tweeting birds. You may think this is a description of pre and...

Online Learning and How to Cope with the Challenges

Online Learning and How to Cope with the Challenges

By Laura Davidson, MSW Student As the acceptances for Graduate school came out, the hope for classes to be in-person was the first thing on my mind. How will I learn the material and practical skills through zoom? Should I defer the program by one year? With all of...

When People Go Through Hard Things

When People Go Through Hard Things

By Dr. Leann Lapp, Ph.D., C.Psych “My mother just died.” “My child has been diagnosed with a serious illness.” “I didn’t get the job I was promised.” “My partner wants to leave me.” We have all gone through hard things, because life is full of them.  Hard...

The Pandemic’s Impact on Social Connections

The Pandemic’s Impact on Social Connections

By Dr. Christine Klinkhoff, Psy.D, C.Psych As fundamentally social creatures, humans seek relationships with others. Building connections offers us a sense of satisfaction and gives life purpose[1]. The ongoing pandemic has made it challenging to connect with the...

Shyness & Social Anxiety Group for Adolescents

Shyness & Social Anxiety Group for Adolescents

We are pleased to announce that Broadview Psychology will be starting a 10-week virtual Social Anxiety group starting on February 2nd! The group is for adolescents and will be facilitated by Stephanie Voth, MSW RSW, and Lynn Nguyen. The group is aimed towards a better...

The Power of Play

The Power of Play

By Jenny Gomez, M.A. "Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?"  - C. Bukowski. When did you lose your ability to play? To be creative? To approach life with a sense of playfulness, awe, and...

Puppy Mindfulness

Puppy Mindfulness

By Dr. Christine Sloss Ph.D., C.Psych My family has joined the ranks of those who have adopted a pandemic puppy!  With our adolescents home from school last spring, our youngest began asking persistently for a puppy.  Our older two had long given up on their...

Making Peace with your Anger

Making Peace with your Anger

By Gibran Rodriguez de los Reyes, M.A. There is no arguing that emotions are quite complex. Not only do they involve a myriad of bodily and brain systems, mental processes, and behavioural responses, but emotions are also heavily reliant on culture and language. Think...

A 2020 Carol

A 2020 Carol

By Andrea De Bartolo With this year finally coming to an end, December seems to need a little extra TLC. Like everything in 2020, this winter break will be different than past years. Rather than students coming back home for the holidays, they will be coming...

Winter is Coming: 7 Self-Care Tips to Practice This Winter Season

Winter is Coming: 7 Self-Care Tips to Practice This Winter Season

By Stephanie Voth, MSW RSW It’s no surprise that winter is quickly approaching. Some may be excited for the cooler weather with the hope of skating and wearing cozy sweaters. Others might be feeling sheer dread. We’ve already experienced such a challenging 8 months...

Behavioral Activation Group

Behavioral Activation Group

We are pleased to announce that Broadview Psychology will be initiating a 10-week in person Behavioral Activation group starting on November 20th! The group is for older adolescents, young adults and adults and will be facilitated by...

A Dialectical Approach to Video Gaming

A Dialectical Approach to Video Gaming

By Dr. Aranda Wingsiong You may be finding yourself becoming more dependent on your tech devices in the midst of this pandemic, particularly as an increasing number of social activities are migrating to online spaces. Social video games, for example, provide a way for...

Vegetarian Eating, Disordered Eating and Body Image

Vegetarian Eating, Disordered Eating and Body Image

Alida Iacobellis RD MHSc Vegetarian eating patterns are commonly promoted for weight loss purposes. Animal foods like meat and dairy are naturally a lot more energy dense than plant foods, so if you cut them out you are also cutting calories. For this reason, a...

Virtual Adolescent OCD Group

Virtual Adolescent OCD Group

We are pleased to announce that Broadview Psychology will be initiating a 12-week virtual OCD group that is open to members of the community on November 17th! The group is for adolescents and is facilitated by Dr. Christine Klinkhoff. Developed using ERP and ACT...

The Cost of The New Normal: The Impact COVID-19 Has on Adolescents

The Cost of The New Normal: The Impact COVID-19 Has on Adolescents

By Andrea de Bartolo From early morning sports practice to late night Zoom calls, the life of an adolescent has drastically changed over the last six months. Most alarming, is the increase of loneliness and stress among youth since March of this year. It is important...

Volunteering Resources

Volunteering Resources

As parents and caregivers struggle to find extracurricular activities for their child(ren) in the era of the pandemic, our team has collectively formulated a list of volunteer activities, in-person and virtual, that your child (and you!) can participate in: Big White...

Sending Your Kids Back to School in the Era of COVID-19

Sending Your Kids Back to School in the Era of COVID-19

By Dr. Jillian Glasgow Heading back to school this fall is complicated, to say the least. With all the new rules and uncertainty, there are undoubtedly pages of advice and resources we can give at this time. But to keep this short, here are just a few suggestions to...

The Necessity of Accumulating Positive Experiences

The Necessity of Accumulating Positive Experiences

By Jenny Gomez, M.A Yesterday, my partner encouraged me to go for a long bike ride through the trails of our local beach. It was a beautiful day, and the warm sun on my face and the lovely, cool breeze was so restorative. I can still envision the lush, green leaves...

Join Us! Recovery Night on August 27th at 7 PM.

Join Us! Recovery Night on August 27th at 7 PM.

We invite clients at Broadview Psychology to join us for a Recovery Evening! This is an opportunity to listen to adolescents and young adults share their experiences with recovery. The event will be free of charge. Please see the flyer below for more information. If...

Quitting is Winning: How DBT Strategies can Help You Quit Smoking

Quitting is Winning: How DBT Strategies can Help You Quit Smoking

By Gibran Rodriguez de los Reyes, M.A. So, smoking is harmful. And it can also kill you. Groundbreaking, right? Not really. In my professional practice and personal life, I have yet to come across a smoker who is not aware of the detrimental effects of commercial...

Stage 3 Re-Opening: Are we really out of the woods yet?

Stage 3 Re-Opening: Are we really out of the woods yet?

By Beheshta Taheri Are you feeling stressed out as Ontario enters Stage 3 of its framework for re-opening the province? Either way, you are not alone. While some are excited about larger social gatherings, or being able to enjoy more varied dining experiences, or...

How Having Enough Fun Can Help You Stop Emotional Eating

How Having Enough Fun Can Help You Stop Emotional Eating

By Alida Iacobellis MHSc RD What do you do for fun? ⁠⁠If you can’t answer that question relatively quickly, there is a good chance your life is lacking pleasure. ⁠ If you’re the kind of person who is always working towards the next thing whether it’s acing that math...

Coming Out

Coming Out

By Imogen Sloss Coming out as someone who is part of the LGBTQ+ community is a challenging process. The first and hardest step may be in sifting through your potentially confusing emotions, thoughts and attractions, to determine your identity. There is much pressure...

Sexual Fluidity

Sexual Fluidity

By Dr. Christine Sloss As a result of PRIDE and other forms of advocacy, there is greater acceptance for sexually and gender diversity in Canada. Thankfully, adolescents and young adults are more free to explore their gender and sexual identity in our modern...

Embracing Play this Summer

Embracing Play this Summer

By Angie Massey-Garrison, M.A., OCT Play is important to child development, especially unstructured or free play (self-directed; not organized or goal-oriented). However, due to increasing academic pressures and busy schedules, the amount of play time in families has...

The ABC’s of Being a BLM Ally

The ABC’s of Being a BLM Ally

By Dr. Jillian Glasgow As I observed the civil unrest that occurred in the wake of the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, I had a sequence of different reactions. At first I was horrified, and would shake my head sadly when I saw videos or posts on...

Athletes and Motivation during a Pandemic

Athletes and Motivation during a Pandemic

By Dr. Leann Lapp Practices and competitions have been put on hold for most sports, and in many cases, cancelled altogether, so it’s safe to say that many athletes are struggling with motivation.  And while some are taking this challenge in stride, others are...

Light in Times of Darkness

Light in Times of Darkness

By Lynn Nguyen Whether you are watching TV, scrolling through social media or listening on a streaming service, it has been near impossible these past few months to use technology without encountering the words COVID-19 or Coronavirus. While it is important to keep...

A Daily Dose of Dialectics

A Daily Dose of Dialectics

By Dr. Jillian Glasgow I sit down to write this blog post as it is snowing outside in the middle of May, perhaps the perfect time to be writing about entering the paradox of the dialectic. It reminds me that winter is not quite done with us yet – one last hurrah...

Children and Adolescents’ Technology Use During the Pandemic

Children and Adolescents’ Technology Use During the Pandemic

By Dr. Christine Sloss and Laura Davidson We are aware that during this time of social distancing and being at home, children and adolescents are bored and isolated, and so are spending much more time than usual on technology.  Technology is an important part of...

Love in the Time of COVID-19

Love in the Time of COVID-19

By Gibran Rodriguez de los Reyes Now that we are all several weeks into social distancing practices and mostly following stay at home recommendations, many couples residing together may admittedly be struggling with increasing irritability and tension towards one...

Grief and Adolescents during COVID-19: Their Loss is Real Too.

Grief and Adolescents during COVID-19: Their Loss is Real Too.

By Dr. Michele Locke In just a blink, the world changed. At the heart of this crisis, we are focused on protecting the most vulnerable. Physically, it is clear who meets that criteria. The news continues to highlight that MOST younger people do not have serious...

Resilience: The ways to enhance this critical skill in sports

Resilience: The ways to enhance this critical skill in sports

By Dr. Leann Lapp and Laura Davidson Athletes of all sorts face a wide range of physiological, emotional and physical stressors impacting their overall performance and passion for their sport. Some of these stressors include injuries, performance slumps,...

Managing ‘Pandemic Fatigue’

Managing ‘Pandemic Fatigue’

By Beheshta Taheri After several weeks of this global pandemic, you might find yourself particularly worn down, both physically and emotionally. If so, you are not alone. As evidenced by a new term circulating amidst mental health care professionals to describe this...

Illness Anxiety and Contamination OCD during COVID-19

Illness Anxiety and Contamination OCD during COVID-19

By Dr. Christine Klinkhoff The ongoing worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 is having a profound impact on people’s sense of safety and wellbeing. The uncertainty of our current situation is leaving many of us feeling anxious and looking for answers that simply do not exist...

Dietitian Tips for Staying Safe and Eating Well During a Pandemic

Dietitian Tips for Staying Safe and Eating Well During a Pandemic

By Michelle Lau, Dietetic InternReviewed by Alida Iacobellis MHSc RD There’s no doubt you’ve already started to see the impact of COVID-19 on your day-to-day routines. Mundane activities of daily living such as grocery shopping and mealtimes all of a sudden require...



In 2007, a boy in grade 9 was bullied at school for wearing a pink shirt. In response to this, David Shepherd and Travis Price, two of his school peers, began a protest by handing out pink shirts to the boys in their school. This kind and supportive act sparked Pink...

The Benefits of Self-Kindness

The Benefits of Self-Kindness

The human experience can be profoundly beautiful and meaningful, yet it inevitably involves moments of suffering. During times of pain and suffering, we often treat ourselves in a way we would never treat someone we love and respect. In fact, for many, being...

Dealing with Social Anxiety

Dealing with Social Anxiety

Adolescents meet increasing social demands as they age.  They have to navigate relationships in the classroom, during community and extracurricular activities, within social media, and when gaming,  Unfortunately, they frequently fear and sometimes...