Resilience: The ways to enhance this critical skill in sports

By Dr. Leann Lapp and Laura Davidson

Athletes of all sorts face a wide range of physiological, emotional and physical stressors impacting their overall performance and passion for their sport. Some of these stressors include injuries, performance slumps, organizational conflicts, career transitions, pressure to perform, and many more. These stressors can be detrimental towards the athlete’s mental health causing an abrupt ending to their lifelong dream and leaving them with feelings of grief and loss.   

Resilience is defined as the “role of mental processes and behaviour in promoting personal assets and protecting an individual from the potential negative effect of stressors”. Many athletes view resilience as a trait one is born with, but research shows that resilience is actually a set of skills that can be fostered, developed and trained with practice. In particular, resilience is comprised of a mindset and specific coping strategies that guide the effective navigation of challenges such as injuries and performance setbacks.  Building resilience can also enhance self-esteem, motivation, and determination. Daily stressors can be viewed as opportunities to practice resilience skills, which will ultimately enhance overall performance. Resilient athletes develop confidence in their ability to recover and overcome hardships.

With all that being said, it is challenging to know how to build and strengthen a resilient skillset. Below are some ways that may help:

  • Develop a Growth Mindset
    • Being willing and open to new experiences, opportunities, training, and techniques, but also being conscientious of who you are as an athlete. Creating an optimistic mindset can go a long way. Positive thoughts towards your sport and performance can support you through the negative stressors that may occur throughout.
    • Identify your PERSONAL motivation:  What is important to you? What are your goals – including process AND outcome goals – that are you trying to achieve through your sport? What kinds of values do you identify with as an athlete (e.g., gritty; fair; persistent, etc.)? 
    • Anticipate setbacks.  Every athlete knows that negative outcomes are part of the process.  However, spending some time anticipating what could go wrong and planning, step-by-step, how you would cope will reduce your anxiety and build your confidence.
  • Develop your Support Systems
    • Make sure to foster relationships with your coaches, teammates, family, friends so they can be reached out to when in need of support. This can be directed towards the technical aspects of the sport, or for social and emotional support as well. 
  • Evaluate Setbacks Constructively
    • Setbacks are often viewed as failures, which can lead to a sense of discouragement and loss of motivation.  Instead, can you be constructive rather than critical when reviewing your performance?  What aspects were under your control (e.g., your pre-performance routine) and which were not (e.g., the weather)?  Were you still able to uphold your values as an athlete throughout this setback?  What have you learned and gained as an athlete from this experience? How can you generate a plan for tackling these setbacks in the future?
  • Life Balance
    • Allowing yourself as an athlete to have a balanced lifestyle, socially and mentally can foster resilience within your sport. Participating in different activities with your friends and family can allow for a distraction from the negative stressors that are often faced. Additionally, being able to mentally take a step back and switch your focus between sport and non-sport related activities can increase mental recovery and overall well-being.  
    • As for coaches, it is important to be flexible with athletes, recognizing the importance of encouraging balance in other domains of their life (academics, social support etc.)

Sources Used

Kegelaers, J., & Wylleman, P. (2019). Exploring the coach’s role in fostering resilience in elite athletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology8(3), 239.

Inner Drive. (2019). 9 Ways Athletes Develop Resilience. Retrieved from Inner Drive:

Marks, B. (2020). Resilience in Sport. Retrieved from Believe Perform:


Mendez, K. (2019). Man Trying to Kick Soccer Ball. Unsplash.