Mindful Journaling

By Danicia Clarke, B.A

Practising mindfulness takes many shapes and goes by many names, but what is most fascinating of all, is the idea that we have the innate ability to access this human quality. Simply being aware of our inner and outer experiences is important to incorporate into our lifestyle, and one great way to engage in mindful behaviour is through journaling.

Why is mindful journaling effective?

Mindful journaling allows us to discover and explore our thoughts and emotions that may often be dominating in our lives due to our experiences. Mindful journaling also brings us into a space of acceptance, which can encourage us to grow.

How do we begin mindful journaling?

Journaling should first begin with clear intent. Ask yourself..

  • How am I feeling at this moment?
  • What am I thinking about in this moment?
  • Am I willing to non-judgementally explore these feelings and thoughts at this moment?

Remember that writing from a mindful state sparks creative and intuitive thinking.

Sitting with these questions can serve as a prompt to encourage you to begin writing. Spend around 5-10 minutes with writing down any thoughts, perceptions, reactions, and emotions that surface.


Continue to be present with what you have written and reflect by asking yourself..

  • How do I feel right now?
  • What surprises me?
  • What have I just realized?

Write down your response to complete the journal entry.

Introducing this behaviour may at first feel unnatural or ineffective, which is okay. Just like any other learned skill, it should be practised again and again in order to reap the life-changing benefits.